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lost in the wind rose

lost in the wind rose  
2022.1.29 - 2.13
Kyoto City Kyocera Museum

An unfamiliar form, its body covered with feathers, makes a commotion upon encountering a person. The form was created by combining shapes optimized for harnessing the wind, such as those of swallows and airplanes, with tentacle-like sensing ranges rendered by sensors, and it uses LiDAR light-based sensing technology to capture the position and motion of participants. 224 electromagnets generate a magnetic force field and wing-like surfaces made of paper move in response. It is as if a chance encounter between this creature and a human being creates a sensation, or wind. The organic relationship that connects the two exposes an invisible medium, which unveils a new form of physical computing. This work inherits the spirit, concept, and technology from TOU - Breathing Wall, which was developed by Konel in collaboration with Panasonic. The new system was developed by Konel engineer tettou (TAKATA Toru). "Wind rose" is another name for a wind map (which illustrates the wind direction and speed for a particular location over a period of time).

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